Write An Essay About Living Alone

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I feel lost. I am a misfit here. Everybody has an unbreakable bond with others which no one can step in. Expect me. They speak a foreign language that I don’t understand a single word of it. This is a nightmare. I could talk to no one and no one could support me. I miss my friends, my parents, my teachers and everyone I know in China. I know nobody in this class. I am the fifth wheel. I understand that I should join one of these groups and be participating in the discussion. I can make some new friends during this process, but this is easier said than done. Nobody can understand the helpless condition I have right now – I am in a world full of strangers. Everything seems like a monster. I don’t know what I can do. I sit gazing silently at …show more content…

I am conscious nothing expects their reactions. When I think I can’t get help, the entire group comes to speak with me to learn about my idea. They encourage me that I am independent and I can accomplish this project. They show me that nothing is difficult if you have a friend to share the task. Despite I am lack of their language, they listen patiently and carefully. They speak slowly and clearly for every word. And they pause at the end of every sentence. Everyone in the group reaches out to me. I feel something new. Something that changes the entire world. This is friendship. I almost cry tears of joy when they finally understand what I am trying to say. They invite me to join their group for this and next assignment. I am obviously welcome here. I have been accepted. I am. They are a beam of light to my soul. Friendship warms my heart. All my negative emotions are gone away. Their kindness gives me a sense of belonging I will never know without them being close. I am surrounded by friendship. Friendship is something that elevated the spirit. Meaningful. Irreplaceable. It's just that some things last longer than others. Something that can change my life. If I just keep myself isolated. Maybe that the emptiness of my world would choke me forever. For now I have enough time to enjoy the friendship at any moment. Friends support and help you for no reason. A place with friends is always my personal safe haven. If that isn't a friendship I don't know

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