Product Packaging And Packaging Design

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Consumer market grows rapidly every year and the number of competitors among different types of products and goods increases steadily. To standout against competitors, every company tries to invent something new and to get the competitive advantage for providing the product to the end customer. One of the marketing tools that has become popular and important is product packaging which allows companies to be different from each other and to have more priorities among competitors. This has become a reason why nowadays there is a big variety of design packages on the supermarkets’ shelves.
Packaging helps consumers to choose the product from wide range of similar products and stimulates consumer buying behaviour. The packaging performs …show more content…

Czinkota & Ronkainen (2007) deem that product packaging is connected to other variables in the marketing mix (Rundh 2009, p. 988). Cateora & Ghauri (2000) say that these variables are within the control of the company and they help to adapt to the changes in the business environment (Rundh 2009, p. 988). According to Packaging Federation (2004 a,b), these changes occur in different areas: new technology, materials development, logistics requirements, environmental issues, consumer preferences; all are the key factors for making decisions on marketing strategy (Rundh 2009, p. …show more content…

1.2 Packaging:
Packaging is the wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean.
Packaging is more than just your product 's pretty face. Your package design may affect everything from breakage rates in shipment to whether stores will be willing to stock it. For example, "displayability" is an important concern. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages.
In marketing literature, packaging is a part of the product and the brand. A product 's package represents its characteristics and communicates the product information.
Other distributions related to packaging considerations include:

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