Importance Of Recruitment And Selection

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QUESTION TWO Part A (Quality of Hire Constituents)
Recruitment and selection each requires a separate range of skills, expertise, and may in practice be satisfied by different staff members. The recruitment activity is but not normally the selection decision can be outsourced to an agent. It definitely makes sense, to treat each activity separately. Recruiting and selection of employees in an effective way can both avoid unwelcome costs ,for example those who associated with high staff turnover, bad performance and dissatisfied clients and engender a mutually useful employment relationship characterized, whenever is possible by high commitment on both sides. This aspect of employee resourcing is describe by potential difficulties. Some generally used selection options for example, interviewing is generally obtained to be unreliable as a standard of jobholders’ performance in reality. Therefore it is essentially important, to obtain a realistic evaluation of the system from all concerned, having both successful and unsuccessful potential job seekers like what for example my company schlumberger is doing. In applying out a similar distinction by which recruitment activities provide a space of job seekers eligible as candidate. Recruitment and selection are always closely related. “Recruitment is complicated and important task carried out by the top management of human resources in most organization to recruit the skilled persons which fit the required skills, to

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