Six Sigma Approach Analysis

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The study and analysis of the Six Sigma approach show that its implementation involves monitoring and evaluating the influence of the environment over processes in company. This provides the information needed to reshape the process in a way ensuring the desired quality acquirement. Therefore Six Sigma can be defined as a process approach. Its application covers all hierarchical levels and functional fields of management. But unlike the functional approach, where the attention is directed towards separate functions performed by different sections and employees, Six Sigma is focused on cross-functional processes, which join the separate functions in common floats, directed to the bottom-line success.

The Six Sigma approach views business activity …show more content…

This concept in the core of the Six Sigma approach makes possible the achievement of the company is main objective. On the one hand a wide variety of instruments and tools are applied to define problems and find solutions in the fields of productivity increase, rationalization of the supply networks for materials, row materials and half-finished materials, as well as regarding the finished products marketing. On the other hand, achieving the company goals is done through the shortening the cycle of idea origination trough its experimental realization, production implementation, production and marketing; and last, but not least through the human resources management. Therefore, it can be concluded the Six Sigma approach guarantees quality improvement of all processes in all functional fields, and contributes to their optimization. This gives grounds to argue that Six Sigma is a combination of both the process and the system approach, aimed at improving the effectiveness, as well as the efficiency of all the processes in a company. This way the Six Sigma approach contributes to the continuous development of the organization and management. Based on different perceptions of the Six Sigma approach nature and the following definition, emphasizing its main advantages if used as a business management approach, is …show more content…

• Tools and techniques: The Six Sigma applies a variety of instruments related to the aims and tasks addressed by the specific project.
• Well-defined interfaces with the existing organization: The Six Sigma provides a detailed blueprint which links each project to the existing organization. It provides the conditions needed for the Six Sigma implementation to all management levels of the company.


When the principles and methodologies of Six Sigma are properly applied to virtually any key business process, they return positive bottom-line results. Regardless of the company is type of work and mission, the following can be expected.
• Improved overall customer satisfaction, i.e. closing the gap between the quality of the product for the customer and the quality of the product for the company
• Increased productivity and added value, i.e. increasing the value of the product for the customer and decreasing the value of the product for the company;
• Improved capacity and productivity;
• Reduced total defects and cycle time;
• Increased product and service

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