Socio Economic Status Research Paper

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Construction of Socio-Economic Status Scale for Measuring Socio-Economic Status of Teaching Community -Dr. Veena Devi Trivedi,Oxford Girls College of Education,Uklana,Hisar,Haryana-125113
The International Dictionary of Education (1977) explains socio-economic status as a person 's position in any given group, society or culture as determined by wealth, occupation, education and social class where social class …show more content…

In other words we can say that a blue print is necessary to be prepared because without the blue print if an instrument developer directly plunges into item writing, it will give a lop-sided output .Without an advanced plan, some areas of the content may remain unnoticed. Without a blueprint the scale may be overloaded with relatively impermanent and less important materials. So considering the literature and available instruments and dimensions decided a blue print of the scale was prepared.

Step-7: Preparing Preliminary Draft of the Scale: Considering the blue print of the scale items were framed on the basis of format finalized. SES scale comprised of a five point scale with appropriate responses.

Step-8:Ascertaining Scoring Pattern: The scale consisted of seven items covering seven domains decided Range of scores were from 5 to 1 for the response mode viz; always, often, sometimes, rarely and never whatever the respondent has selected or marked in all the seven items.
TABLE-1.1: Showing Scoring Pattern for Items in Socio-Economic Status …show more content…

Lindquist pointed out that a pre try out is the preliminary administration of the tentative try out units to small sample of examinees for the purpose of discovering gross deficiencies but no intention of analyzing pre try out data for individual item.100 sample subjects were selected randomly from the states under study for the try out of the inventory.

Step-11: Scoring & Item Analysis: Range of scores was from 5 to 1 for each item. Thus for seven items the total scores ranged from 1-35.

Step-12: Finalisation of Items: Both the initial version as well as the final version of the scale for the measurement of SES of incumbents had seven aspects. The difference between the two versions was in terms of response mode of items in different categories of SES. The final version was arrived at through field trials and incorporation of the suggestions of the experts.

Step-13: Establishing Reliability: The reliability of the scale was established through cronbach alpha and it was found to be

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