Success In Language Learning Essay

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"success in language learning is inextricably linked to the way in which learners experience the classroom: as a place where their weaknesses will be revealed or as a space for growth and development." (de Andrés, 1999, p.89). Taking this statement into account, the approach used for learning in the classroom plays a significant role. Nunan (1989) establishes four types of learners which are: Type 1: 'Concrete' learners These learners tend to like games, pictures, films, video, using cassettes, talking in pairs and practising English outside class. Type 2: 'Analytical' learners These learners like studying grammar, studying English books and reading newspapers, studying alone, finding their own mistakes and working on problems set by the teacher. Type 3: 'Communicative' learners These students like to learn by watching, listening to native speakers, talking to friends in English and watching television in English, using English out of class in shops, trains, etc., learning new words by hearing them, and learning by conversations. Type 4: 'Authority-oriented' learners These learners prefer the teacher to explain everything, like to have their own textbooks, to write everything in a notebook, to study grammar, learn by reading, and learn new …show more content…

"Learners with a high sense of self-esteem might be better able to control their anxiety, thereby encouraging motivation and facilitating their involvement in communication" (p.75). This could be implemented with cooperative learning to create a comfortable atmosphere between peers. For instance, Crandall (1999) emphasizes the significance of cooperative learning in second and foreign language classrooms for reducing anxiety with activities in which students have

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