Components Of Talent Development

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The issue with many companies few years back was that no doubt they put tremendous effort to attract employees to their company but the time which they spent in retaining and developing their talents is very little. But with the changing scenario and growing competitions, organizations have started feeling the need of employee retention and thus the major focus is in implementing a proper talent development system throughout the company as a whole.
Organizations today conduct formal and informal assessment of prevailing levels of skills, attitudes, knowledge and current or anticipated gaps in order to identify learning and talent development needs at individual, team or organizational level. The implementation of a formal learning need analysis …show more content…

It is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. If the employee is well trained, he can become more efficient and productive that will be fruitful for both employers and employees of an organization. Trained employees show both quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained.
2) Mentoring: - When an experienced person of the organization helps develop a less experienced person of the organization or team, it can be either formal or informal; the mentee benefits from the experience of the mentor. This is very important way of developing talent; however, both mentor and mentee must be committed in order for this to be successful. The key for mentoring to work is that there must be commitment from both parties and the mentee must be proactive and take responsibility of the relationship. The mentee can leverage the knowledge and experience of the mentor to learn about the company and the business. In return the mentee must show commitment and …show more content…

The role or position can be defined on the basis of individual’s availability or a specific hiring initiative. It refers to creating, modifying or customizing a community-based job such that it can be successfully performed by an individual with disabilities, while simultaneously meeting the needs of an employer.
2) Job Shadowing: When an employee follows another employee, like a shadow, to learn all the aspects of a job. This is especially suitable for new employees as part of their induction. Shadowing is a painless way to cover a lot of ground in a short space of time. Once a person can do the job, continue coaching the employee and periodically review their progress. You can give feedback and guidance on how further improvements can be made.
3) Protean Career: It means career driven by a person not by the organization, it can be reinvented by the person from time to time as the person or environment changes, it focuses on Meta skills (learning how to learn) i.e. develop self knowledge (one’s identity) and adaptability (done through interaction with

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