Four Skills In Learning English Language Analysis

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The fact that is happened today's English is the language most widely used in worldwide. Nowadays, some big countries in the world such as: United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia have been using the English language. In addition, there are 50 other countries that have set English as their national language. Therefore, the English language is very important to be studied and known by everyone. In Indonesia, English as a first foreign language has a very important role in some aspects of life such as: science, technology, culture and education. Learning English is to learn the four skills namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition to the four skills, learning English is also learned three important components …show more content…

Teaching speaking through story telling technique in the classroom is one way to improve and develop their English language skill. Moreover, this activity requires students to participate in these activities to the following activities such as: listening to a story carried by a storyteller, reading books, writing stories and tell the story in their own language. This activity can motivate students to be active learners and can develop themselves using more constructive approach in teaching English. Through stories, listeners can get carried away by the atmosphere and the circumstances in these tales. They also get a sense of values, fears, hopes, and dreams of the stories they hear. Because in every story, there will be a moral value that can be taken, whether it is negative or positive. They can also connect their dreams and feelings into the real world. The occurrence of these feelings help them to develop creative power within themselves and can apply positive values in everyday of life. This research will discuss a solution that will be taken to solve the problem that occur in the environment school of MTs. An-Najah use story telling technique and to assist students in improving their oral skill in English. The researcher determined classroom action research method using story telling technique in teaching English because of the condition in the current school environment. This method was chosen because in the effective value to be able to improve the ability of students. Based on previous research conducted by Suci Rahmayati from State University of Jakarta who has conducted a research

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