Importance Of Tourism In Pakistan

782 Words4 Pages

For a long time, Pakistan had been an attractive destination for tourists. But at present, its position is not considerable in international tourism market as compared to other regional and intra regional states because of the negligence on part of authorities in formulation of national tourism policy formulation since 1990. Due to frontline role against War on Terror, and attacks on foreign tourists, the image of Pakistan as a peaceful state is badly damaged and through tourism we can defeat terrorism and improve the people’s perception about Pakistan. The development of tourism industry in Pakistan is all effected by poor governmental attention and bad policies formulation is this regard. 3. Objectives of Study: This paper demonstrates the fragile present condition of tourism related policy making in Pakistan. This study will help in formulating an effective tourism strategy & policy framework at national and regional level in future. It is also an attempt to help the government to prioritize the tourism industry of Pakistan as a leading sector of its economy to alleviate poverty and restore the tourism industry back on its feet as it was in 1970’s. The overall objective of this research is to identify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of National Tourism Policy 2010 Draft and highlight the concept of sustainable tourism as Pakistan is among the most vulnerable states to climate change. 1. Conceptual Framework: Pakistan’s tourism potential has largely been

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