Herbst Translation Theory

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Translation Theory The issue of translation theory and its connection with translation process has always been under concern among scientists. One of the main urgent questions about translation theory, whether it can be an independent scientific discipline or if the translation theory can be a part of descriptive linguistics was observed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst (2005) in his article Translation Theory – merely a descriptive discipline? In his work, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst (2005) provided several facts which are important and basic for translation theory itself: “Fact 1 – that translation is a phenomenon that plays an enormous role in the world’s communication process at the beginning of the twenty-first century; Fact 2: This importance …show more content…

Dr. Thomas Herbst (2005) also offers explanation of the importance of principles 3 and 4; moreover, he claims “It is unavoidable that at least principles 3 and 4 involve a rather strong element of the subjectivity on the part of the translator.” [Herbst 2005: 109], however, it can show that translation theory does not have that huge effect in the society. In general, therefore, it seems that principles mentioned previously are general and cannot be used “as the kinds of guidelines that any intelligent discussion of problems of translation would not provide” [Herbst 2005: 109]. Moreover, taking these peculiarities into consideration, we can find out that there are several ways in determination the role of translation theory: “(1) Firstly, it affects the importance that practical translators may attribute to the theoretical insights; (2) Secondly, there is no denying the fact that it is perfectly feasible that a person can be a brilliant translator without having had any contact with translation theory; (3) Furthermore, the violation of even the most fundamental principles and insights of translation theory not only concerns the phenomenon of what one might call sloppy translation but also instances of what one might call an institutionalized use of …show more content…

Dr. Thomas Herbst, that the nature of translation is quite specific, but there is still a strong connection between translation theory and translation process. Furthermore, I would like to mention that translation studies should be regarded as cooperation with translation theory itself. It seems possible to suggest that for example analyzing problematic problems in the process of translation can require certain knowledge of theory. Thus, all these aspects can be included and to be part of descriptive linguistics. In addition, it seems difficult and arguable if it successful translation when translators apply certain principles without any skills in translation

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