My First Core Value Essay

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Achieving goals based on what other people value leaves you feeling like you have everything, and nothing at the same time, so my first core value is to base my goals on what I know I’m capable of. In some ways, you could even call it self-respect. When I was younger, I would look in the mirror and see this repulsive figure staring back at me. I hated everything about myself and I knew I had to change that. I am still struggling, but it’s easier to know that I have a worth, and I doesn’t belong to anyone but myself. I know when my breaking point is and I make sure I don’t go past it. For example, when I train for the sports I enjoy, I have to make sure that I don’t workout every day as to give my body a break. I also believe respect for others …show more content…

Life itself is challenging, and it always seems to run you into a wall you didn’t know was there. However, an advantageous challenge is always exhilarating so one of my “core values” is to always challenge myself. When I was younger, I used to hate the speculation of being challenged, because I was so afraid of failing. Now I realize that failing is only an opportunity to begin again, only this time wiser. My main, substantial core value is always being there for others. I had a friend who was having a difficult time with her family, academics, friends, and so much more. She also had a friend who was going through a rough time and she was trying to support her on top of herself. She started to come to me to just talk it out when it became burdensome, and her other friend started to come to me as well. It made me feel better knowing that I could help her, however, once I realized that she self-harmed, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. I tried to convince her to go and seek some professional help but her parents didn’t know and it was too hard for her to tell them. Instead, she started to talk to the school counselor from time to time and she seemed to get

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