Concept Of Wellbeing

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Present modern world of work is considered to be the era of high competition. In this competitive era, there is a see-saw battle among productive organizations for their supremacy along-with their efforts to sustain in the competitive market. Since, monopoly of any organization stands nowhere as good number of companies are providing almost similar services to the customers, buyers and stake-holders in the market, therefore it is necessary for the companies to adopt strategies of emerging organizations to sustain in the competitive fray. In view of the above contention, it is important to mention that organizational smooth functioning leading to its effectiveness is of prime importance. For the same, it can be said without …show more content…

It is a part and parcel of man’s lifestyle. In fact, it was studied in philosophy under the term of ‘Eudoemonics’ which was translated as ‘happiness’. This can be clearly studied in Aristotle’s “Ethica Nicomachea” but Later this concept moved to the discipline of psychology. Taking into consideration the concept of wellbeing as a subject matter of psychology, it can be defined as a mixture of affective, cognitive and somatic state of affairs. Terms like happiness, hope, positive mental health, quality of life, optimism, satisfaction, etc are invariably used as synonyms of wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing also studied under the umbrella of the phenomenon of quality of life. According to Chekola (1975) wellbeing is examined as a harmonious satisfaction of one’s desires and goals. According to laymen, wellbeing can be assumed as the absence of disease but Verma (1988) said wellbeing is a part of positive mental health which does not mean only absence or free from disease. He elaborated that it doesn’t matter whether a person is poor or rich but what is important is the feeling of satisfaction of a person with life that develops and provides the experience of psychological wellbeing. According to Diener and Diener (1995) psychological wellbeing is a person’s evaluative reaction to his/ her satisfaction, “cognitive evaluation or effect”, “ongoing emotional reactions”. However, psychological …show more content…

Maslow being the first person for giving a theory of motivation who had postulated that basic needs are structured in a hierarchial order. The hierarchy of needs in ascending order of prepotency are physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Maslow viewed need like the rods or steps of a ladder that must be climbed one rung at a time. Therefore man moves successively up a need hierarchy provided his/her need in fulfilment process is adequately satisfied and in such a fashion needs emerge one after the other among people especially at work. According to Maslow, a person may only develop self-actualization when his/her physiological, safety, social and esteem needs are adequately satiated. The hierarchial order of needs however, are not rigid and same for all individuals. Investigators (Argyris, 1957; Davis, 1957; Haire, 1956, 1959; Leavitt, 1958; Smith, 1955; Viteles, 1953) while discussing need satisfaction of an individual working in an industrial organization have used this conceptualisation of a hierarchy of need in one form or the other. Further Porter (1961 & 1962) Porter and Lawler (1968); Narain (1973); Daftuar (1982); and Mohan, Sehgal & Rana (1991) reported that self-actualization, esteem and social needs were satisfied more at the higher level

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