Category Of Working Women Essay

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8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Significance related to the challenges and problems faced by middle aged working women from IT industry in senior positions is drawn from the analysis of responses. Professional women of the said category feel isolated and burdened by the simultaneous demands of their new aspirations on one side and the traditional way of life on the other. Women are discriminated against in all walks of life, by the time they would have crossed their prime time of their life in their twenties and thirties they would have face multiple challenges Women are subjugated, dominated and exploited both at work places and home. Women are generally unable to give proper and quality time to households, kids and family or be it for themselves. …show more content…

This identification of challenges will help in carving the pathway to formulate solutions and further implement it to end the hardships and to balance work and family life which is the need of the hour. The organizations , be it the government sector, the public or the private sectors have to reframe the policies in order to unleash the potential of qualified , potential and efficient women work force and to facilitate them to achieve balance in family and work life. For accomplishing the said objective there is a need of better understanding, co-operation and lending hand from the side of the family and society as …show more content…

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