Indian Music Characteristics

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India is a diverse country where music is an integral part of the communal and spiritual life. Indian classical music consists of various ragas. Bhatkhande defined raga as melodious style and this melody is structured into a sequence of five to nine musical notes (Bor, Joep 1999). Batish S. D. & Ashwin, 1989, stated that the unique characteristics of Indian music are the assignment of definite times of the day and night for performing Raga melodies. It is believed that only in this period the Raga appears to be at the height of its melodic beauty and majestic splendour. There are some Ragas which are very attractive in the early hours of the mornings; others which appeal in the evenings, and others which spread their fragrance only near the midnight hour. Each Raga or Ragini is associated with a definite mood or sentiment that …show more content…

Each individual will react differently to different types of music and the selection is based on their choice. These changes were reflected clearly in physiological system for human body.

2.2.1 Chakras in Carnatic music Carnatic music consists of 16 notes called swaras. Of the 16 swaras, multiple combinations of just 8 swaras (can be greater or lesser than 8 also) give rise to different scales called ragas.In carnatic music, there are 72 parent scales commonly referred to as Melakartas. (Parent ragas can also be called Janaka Ragas). From these parent scales, many other ragas can be derived and these are thus referred to as Janya Ragas. Indian music is characterized by distinct timings to render particular raga melodies. It is believed that only in this time period the Raga appears to be at the height of its melodic beauty and majestic splendor. While some ragas are known to be alluring during the early hours of the day, there are some others that sound enchanting during the evenings and yet others that

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