Partition Of India And Pakistan Essay

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Millions of Indians suffered the consequences of the partition between India and Pakistan, which included physical strains as well mental strains. Many were slaughtered, raped, and evicted from their homes as a result of this agreement. The victims ranged from young to old, man to woman, Hindu to Muslim, as violence doesn't discriminate. Although the partition into India and Pakistan was meant to keep the peace, it has created much conflict and violence. An instance of this appalling brutality was the chaos erupting in cities and migration routes after the full extent of the partition was made public. Another example of the onslaught in India was the conflict in Kashmir, resulting in numerous wars and millions of casualties. At long last, in the absence of the Muslims, the Sikhs became vulnerable to bigotry, forcing them to revolt and demand a new country. …show more content…

They believed that the partition was one-sided and unfair. This was due to the fact that the Muslims got a large chunk of India's land and millions of dollars of India's wealth. As a result, Hindus attacked, causing riots and chaos wherever they could. An example of this violence was death trains. Trains traveling between India and Pakistan were targeted and attacked. On these trains were men women and children, who were all slaughtered by both Hindus and Muslims. In addition to this, riots in the streets of cities in both India and Pakistan destroyed property and killed many. The ones killed were more often than not innocent, but were attacked because of their religion. My final example of the violence between these two countries was the attacks on migration routes. Many Hindus blame Muslims for having to move from their home, as a result dozens of fights broke between the two paths, killing anyone in the crossfire. As you can see violence is not the answer it is cancer that plagues our society even

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