Essay On Tribal Tribe

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Aralam farm became the largest tribal village in India. Overall eleven categories of tribal communities are found on the farm. Most of them come from Kannur and Wayanad districts of Kerala. For the better understanding of the impact of the resettlement possess, the researcher had overlooked the background of these tribes. The researcher had visited the older settlements of Paniyan, Mavilar, and Karimbalan tribes and collected the details directly. The secondary forces like books and websites were used for collecting rest of the tribal community’s details. Book entitled ‘The Scheduled Tribes’ by K.S.Singh (1997) gives an elaborative description of the Indian tribal communities. Another author Thurston (1906) had explained about the South Indian …show more content…

Especially they are known for their birth, marriage, and death rites. Each of these rites is conducted by the in charge person in the settlements. Though they had their traditional religion, due to the influence of outside world force them to practice different religions like Hinduism and Christianity. But they still worship Banyan tree, sun and river. They also have the rich traditional art form like ‘Thudi and Kakkapattu’. The Paniyan tribal community considers themselves as a great self-sufficient society. One the hand the civil society considers Paniyan tribes as a backwards tribal community in …show more content…

Kurumans are mainly distributed in the Wayanad district of Kerala. The history shows that they are the descendants of the Veda King and they were the ruler of this place. They have a common headman for each settlement and he is known as ‘porathavan’. He plays a major role in their traditional activities. They also have the chief headman for their community and they call him ‘Nadukarnavan’ he controls their traditional political organisations. Though the elders speak their own dialect, the present generations have already switched to

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