Industrialization During The Gilded Age

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In a time after the Civil War, when a transcontinental railroad was created connecting the East and West, people began to move and settle across the country, creating new urban cities and manufacturing hubs. It was because of the railroad that the Second Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age took place which rapidly increased the manufacturing of products through the new machines in factories and the spread of ideas by the telegraph and railroad. It was in this context that many farmers, as well, began to move West and experience a loss in the prices of their crops. It is also in this context that many workers were forced to work long, laborious hours with little pay. Farmers responded to industrialization in the Gilded Age by forming organizations such as the Granger movement and the Farmers Alliance as well as creating the Populist Party. Industrial workers responded to industrialization in the Gilded Age by forming labor unions such as the Knights of Labor and by fighting for his or her rights through strikes and riots. Farmers during the Gilded Age were angry with industrialization because the rapid increase in industry caused an economic decline and caused the farmer’s profits to decrease significantly. Industrialization is defined as the development in industry in a country or region. Due to J. D. Rockefeller, who was a very wealthy entrepreneur of his time who found a product he could use, improve, and make a successful business out of selling, and other

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