In the late 18th century when the Industrial revolution happened many jobs were added and others eliminated. At the beginning borough a lot of chaos to the country but with the time society adjust to those changes. As the factories and many other industries started to develop new ideas started to come out. For example a tailor who used to cut and assembling a garment doesn't have the same demand as before because now an individual can obtain the same piece that they used to wait for a long period of time in just couple hours and not just one but few. The reason for the tailor to not have the same demand which means less jobs as tailors is because machinery took their job however there another part of the population that benefit, it’s the person
One positive attribute that came from Industrialization was that it provided better financial opportunities. Masses of different types of mills and factories started to show up like Flax Mills and Cotton Factories. These factories had many demands such as workers. Most of them had bad effects such as health conditions, but there were many other factories, such as the textile factory in Document 3 where it was stated that “Soon the production of exports outpaced the import of goods” (Document 3). This made most companies in England very wealthy compared to other countries like France because they could sell more than they bought.
Starting at around the early 1800’s in America, the industrial revolution began when young mechanic Samuel Slater memorized how to build a mill from scratch. It produced so many different pieces of technology from the water frame to the use of railroads and train locomotives. These inventions and much more helped advance the human race into further and more complicated technology. Little did Samuel Slater know that his invention would start a huge progress through technology for almost a century. As mills became more successful soon machines that used mills were produced including the innovations listed in document 1.
The 17th and 18th centuries marked a period of revolutions that would be perceived as one of the most successful human advancement eras known in modern history. Forty-thousand people were left dead in the streets of Paris in the early 1800s during the French Revolution, while almost thirty-five thousand people a year perished in factories as an outcome of the Industrial Revolution. During the French Revolution, low-income civilians took to the streets causing uprisings as government-controlled prices were shifted to higher, less affordable prices. However, the revolution did have successes as it helped the nation get rid of its monarchy and created civil laws that benefited the middle and lower classes.
The industrial Revolution was one of the most important revolution in the history of mankind. It made it possible for today's technology. What was responsible for the industrial revolution? There was three major points that help the boost of technology in Britain. One was the easy available coal that could be obtained easier than most other countries.
Between 1800 and 1890 we will see a massive explosion of industrial expansion in Europe and especially in Britain. This explosion is called the industrial revolution and would have massive implications on the rest of history that reverberates today. This industrial revolution would be fueled by the competitiveness between nations and one of the biggest driving forces was Britain. Britain would have a monopoly over the industrialized market of the world for many decades. This is because of Britain’s head start on industrializing with the first steam Engine being invented in England in the early 18th century.
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, in the 16th century, developments within the scientific world were made, this was known as the Scientific Revolution. Developments were made in mathematics, physics, astronomy, and more. These ideas changed the way people viewed science and made room for new innovations which would impact the future. Although the Industrial Revolution had its positive effects, more negative effects came from it, these included, a growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor, disease and contamination, and harsh working conditions.
The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, changed the way countries in Europe functioned. Before this it was a period predominantly agrarian. The industrial revolution led rural societies in Europe to become industrial and urban. Preceding the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machinery. Industrialization let to a shift to powered machines and advanced tools, factorization.
By 1780’s, the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain began to further accelerate as machinery advancements allowed factories and businesses to produce more at a cheaper and faster rate. Cites such as Manchester, were greatly affected and became vast areas constructed of canals, railroads, and areas of development. Poor living and working conditions along side a dismal city were issues caused by the industrial growth of Manchester; as the course of the 19th century continued reforms were imposed to resolve these issues. Fast and cheap production produced extensive work hours for labors with quite the atrocious atmosphere. “If you visit a factory, it is easy to see that the comfort and welfare of the workers have never entered the builder's
The industrialization of Great Britain led the world to modern technology because of all of their ample amount of natural resources and political stability. With multiple entrepreneurs looking for new factories and capital to invest in those factories, they continued to show the world they were the leaders in urbanization at that time. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of modernized machines, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were child labor, separated families, and bad quality of life.
During the age of Industrial, many immigrants were used to maintain the balance of the world. Because many immigrants didn’t know English, the life of America was hard for them. Many of the immigrants were able to get jobs, but work was everything for them. Many of the immigrants were put in tenement housing, used to mass produce, and helped one person monopoly the country. Because of these things, the success of the Industrial Revolution was not worth the cost.
The industrial revolution caused a massive influx of farm workers into urban cities, their farms having been modernized by the seed drill, they came looking for work. mainly unskilled and semi-skilled labor like the textile industry or coal mining industry. After, workers began to demand a higher working condition and higher living condition. People began advocating government reform on things like work hours and child labor, forming things like unions. Some supporters of more radical ideas advocated gender equality and electoral equality, saying that was vital to better life in the working class.
Children at the young age of nine were eligible to work in the factories during the Industrial Revolution. These children were forced to work nine hours a day, for a daily wage of thirty cents. During the Industrial Revolution, there was a common pattern of child labor throughout mills and factories. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people produced and consumed products, along with their jobs and the way they worked. The Industrial Revolution took place in the late seventeen hundred, and it originated in Great Britain.
There have been countless amounts of arguments about whether the Industrial Revolution had a negative or positive effect on society. I believe there isn’t a correct answer for this topic because they both equally maintain a suitable amount of evidence to support their differences. There have been numerous conversations about this subject. Most of the main concerns argued negatively, that child labor, unsafe work/ living conditions, and separation of families damaged the society of The Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution had a positive and negative effect on society.
Industrialization and Industrialists had many important impacts on America. The era of industrialization known as the " Gilded Age" opened up many new doors for the American people. The industrialist Andrew Carnegie had one of the biggest impacts on America by far. Carnegie was responsible for the production of steel.