A Summary Of Organ Donation

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Through out the years, the organ trading market has known a considerable expansion as a result of the modern medicine progress. The current health care results have improved surprisingly in comparison with what was once performed and that particularly when encountering a body system failure. In order to solve this issue, doctors and scientists have led an all out battle, to finally come up with a solution to bring hope to people in need. This remedy referred to as organ transplantation is the process of removing an organ or a tissue from one body by placing it in another person’s body through surgery. Yet, the growing amount of people expecting an organ faces a limited number of donors. This paper aims to demonstrate the inevitability of the …show more content…

This paper’s examination of the topic will firstly deal with self-ownership, a term that expresses the idea that people should have control of what happen to their bodies. Secondly it will argue that organ donation regulation will help save lives, thus decrease the mortality rate. Finally, it will consider the economical side of the issue, raising concern about the black market trafficking and how this regulation can put an end to it.
The first and main reason to support organ donation regulation is the fact that it claims to favor human autonomy in other terms self-ownership. Similarly to autonomy, “self-ownership is a concept with many different associated concepts, and its implications for institutions that distribute organs may be more complex than is usually assumed”(Taylor, 89). The arguments around human organ trade ascertain that the moral concern regarding eligible donors is whether their choice would be made according to their consent. Each individual benefits from an exclusive freedom of decision over his or her personal body. Therefore, it can be stated that, “Sovereignty over our bodies implies that we should be allowed to …show more content…

As it has already been discussed, human organs transplantation can help in saving limitless lives. Nevertheless, the demand of people in need does not meet the organs supplied. This tough reality that people encounter leads to the emergence of illegitimate transactions completed in the dark, also known as the black market trafficking. Conforming to Berman, “Every year hundreds of people from wealthy countries, including the US and Israel, travel to poorer, less legal-y scrupulous countries to acquire kidneys from poorer people”(Selling organs should be legal). Hence, this situation is not in favor of societies because only the rich can benefit from it. As an example to illustrate it, “Rather than the organs going to those who need them most urgently, they go only to those who can afford the inflated prices”(Berman). But also the World Health Organization that has declared, “The Illegal trade is based on the coercion of vulnerable third world donors, who are frequently impoverished and ill-educated”(Kapp, 715). As the human organ trafficking is becoming more and more familiar, people further approve and support the organ trade regulation. Because not only does it put people’s lives at risk but they also “suffer from a variety of abuses, ranging from fraud to outright coercion“(Taylor,