Input Process Output Model

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In this assignment I am going to discuss the IPO model. IPO means Input Process and Output this is a type of information system which is used in organisations. In this assignment I am going to describe the model and the components using examples I have learned. I am also going to talk about the various types of computers that are used in business organisations. That I have learned from my lectures. Section1.2 The Input Process Output Model The input process output model or IPO as it is commonly know as . Is used in the study of information systems and it sometimes is used to describe the build of a system there are three main parts of a system that is the Inputs, Processes and the Outputs. There are also other key items in the IPO system …show more content…

Like the toaster all computers follow the IPO model input involves putting a value into out our computer processes would mean doing something with the information with have just inputted into the computer and lastly our output stage showing off the results and also storage being able to store this information on our computer when the system is turned off so it will still be there when the device is turned back …show more content…

They also have ports these mico-computers are most commonly used in Schools Colleges and in the workplace. An example of a mico-computer in the workplace would be a courier for a delivery service they use small micro-computer for you to sign your name before you receive your package this item is more useful for the courier than a piece of paper and pen. This is another perfect example of the computerised IPO model. You input your name onto the device then your data is processed and then the courier outputs the package to you. Your name is then stored on the device as proof you signed for the

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