Instant Coffee Roasting Process

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Instant coffee is known as the solubilized coffee because it is made by dehydrating the brewed coffee. A very few manufacturing plants in the industry can produce this type of coffee because it requires advanced equipment for extraction and dehydration (Davids, 2001). Before the first step ripe beans are hand-picked from Coffea plants. Blending depends on the preference of the manufacture because the preference of beans varies per manufacture. The manufacture buy beans which are suitable for the required coffee type and custom blend them (Davids, 2001). The following step is roasting and it is in this step when the characteristic flavour of the coffee is developed. Continuous-roasting equipment are used for this step as they can automatically …show more content…

This involves a series of test and they are done by the Coffee Board for improving the Quality and Safety of Coffee in totality. The tests conducted i) include the insurance that farmers harvest correctly, traders don’t buy wet coffee , curing works check quality of incoming lots, processors exporters have GMP programme, adequate storage facilities are available ii) programme to control moisture throughout the coffee chain iii) prescribing limits for Ochratoxins in Coffee under the PFA Act iv) organizing awareness and training programme for stockholders v) Introducing mandatory and voluntary programs for regulation of coffee quality and safety vi) Enforcing and assisting in enforcement of Food Safety/ Standardization Bill as applicable to coffee (Waller et al., 2007). All stakeholders take part when the results of these tests are disclosed. When the entire board decides that the coffee is satisfactory based on the outcome of the research the product is then distributed to …show more content…

Since instant coffees have been available in flavoured varieties. Recent innovations include instant mixes for latte and mocha beverages. Maxwell House is test marketing an instant iced coffee product in vanilla, mocha, and original coffee flavours (Davids, 2001). Since its invention, researchers have sought to improve instant coffee in a variety of ways. For example, some of the early powdered versions did not dissolve easily in water, leaving clumps of damp powder floating in the cup. Coffee aroma dissipates easily, and manufacturers have tried to develop treatments that will make a jar of instant coffee smell like freshly ground coffee when it is opened. More modern manufacturing processes make instant coffee granules that look more like ground coffee. Finally, a major goal has been to produce an instant coffee that tastes as much as possible like the freshly brewed

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