Internal And External Conflicts In Hamlet

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Throughout the play Hamlet has many conflicts because his uncle and mother want him to stop grieving over his father 's death and the disapproval of his mother’s and his uncle’s marriage.Hamlets changing character and his inability to act on his motivation of avenging the death of his father. Also, Fortinbras has brought conflicts and moves upon Denmark. Also, he encounters external conflicts that his own actions bring down upon himself and others: his murder of Polonius, Ophelia 's rejection of his love, the fatal duel with Laertes.Most of the conflict in the play is a result of the internal conflict that Hamlet has over his repugnance with his mother 's marriage, his knowledge of his uncle 's treason, and his hesitation to go against his religious beliefs and his mother in the face of his quest for revenge. …show more content…

Internally, he despises his mother for getting married so fast to the brother who murdered his father. Once the Ghost informs him of the murder, for the rest of the play, Hamlet struggles internally between wanting more sound proof of Claudius 's guilt so as to avoid regicide and his desire to kill him. This internal conflict leads to a lot of the external conflicts that Hamlet has to face throughout the rest of the play.The internal and external conflicts are closely intertwined in this play. It is mostly a play about the journey of a tortured soul to find peace with his duty to his murdered father and King through action.Hamlet 's main conflicts, both externally and internally, stem from the death of his father, King Hamlet, by his uncle Claudius. When, in Act I, the ghost of his father appears to his son, asking him to avenge his murder, Hamlet 's life becomes rife with conflict and Hamlet 's dilemma becomes the focal point of the entire play.As a man of great thought, Hamlet 's hesitates after his first reaction to the

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