Internal Security Act (ISA)

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The Internal Security Act 1960 or informally known as the ISA has been a controversial legislation. The British first implemented it in 1948 to take control of the up rise of the Malayan Communist Party during the Malayan Emergency. Sir Edward Gent then called it the Emergency Regulation Ordinance. This preventive detention has somehow become part of the birth of Malaysia and the society grew accustom to it. The Internal Security Act gives power to any law enforcer to detain anyone with the need of an arrest warrant or any other form of documents. In order to retain the peace in Malaysia during the existence of the Malayan Communist Party, the Internal Security Act was started and had successfully executed the goal of maintaining the peace. …show more content…

The act also helps the citizens realize that the government has their best interest at heart and does everything in their power for the betterment of the country and its people. With the examples of the cases mentioned previously, it proves that the Internal Security Act harbors many benefits. It helps improve the patriotic spirit in the citizens and shows them the effort the government puts in to make Malaysia a peaceful and harmonious state to live in. Moreover, it projects Malaysia as a country that prioritizes its peace and national unity to the rest of the world, giving Malaysia a good image to visit and do business …show more content…

This act prevents all university students from engaging in any political campaigns or support politics in anyway in fear that it will disrupt their studies. This act was introduced during the time of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad when he was the education minister of the country. This act was enforced on 27th April 1971 made to generally keep students away from anything that is perceived political. This act however has brought uproar to the nation because of its restricting freedom by nature. Students all over the country have shed some light to this particular act and started quite a number of demonstrations. This law however protects the sovereignty of the nation by not allowing many anti-nationalist movements. A job of a student is to simply study and do well in order to have an exemplary future. Students need not worry about how the government handles matters regarding the nation. A student’s involvement in politics might cause them to be distracted from their studies and ruin their opportunities for the

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