Internet Of Things Essay Examples

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The Internet of Things is a futuristic technology where millions of things, objects can able to sense, share information, communicate each other, all these are interconnected over private or public IP (Internet Protocol) networks. These objects collects data regularly, analyzes and these results is used to initiate some action and it provides wealth of intelligence for management, planning, and decision making in different stages of business. The concept of Internet of Things was first coined in 1999 by a member of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) development community, and it has become more relevant to the practical world of today due to the evolution of chips, sensors, mobile devices, embedded and pervasive communication, data analytics and cloud computing, etc. The convergence of effective wireless protocols, enhanced sensors, cost-effective processors, and a number of established and start ups companies developing the essential applications and management software has eventually made the conception of the Internet of Things in mainstream. By installing tiny size, short-range mobile transceivers into everyday items and to additional gadgets which can enables new forms of communication between objects and people, and between objects themselves, Interenet of Things (IoT) would become a new dimension to the world of information and communication. These programmed objects has RFID communication technology, embedded technology, wireless …show more content…

The Internet of Things lets people and things to be connected at anyplace, anytime, with anything/anyone, ideally using any wire/wireless network or any

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