Interpretivism And Interpretivism Paradigm

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The researchers are subjected to different theories, methods, and belief systems which are already existing to guide the investigation, inquiry or study. The research tradition or research paradigm is the system that a researcher needs to follow based on type of a research. Research Paradigm can be defined as a belief system which guides the researcher on how the study should be investigated and addressed. The focus of following paper will be on differentiating between three types of research traditions which are positivism, interpretivism and critical realism based on their positions on; reason for research, ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology.
Positivism paradigm originated in the 19th century as …show more content…

The Interpretive model is associated with two 19th and early 20th thinkers or theorist Wihelm Dilthey (1833-1911), Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) and Maximilian Weber (1864-1920). Interpretivism paradigm also known as anti-positivist paradigm because established as a response or critique of positivism tradition and post-positivism. The Constructivism/ Interpretivism paradigm ideas drawn from hermeneutics and Phenomology. The development of Interpretivism tradition can be traced in the 1920s to 1930s in schools of Chicago. Interpretivism focuses on understanding on how the human beings relate socially. The aim of interpretivism is to formulate best comprehension on how people view or categorizes their own world (Bertram& Christiansen, 2014: …show more content…

The positivist believe that science is the only basis for real knowledge. Reason for conducting a positivism is determine laws which can be normalized in explaining the human behavior in the world. Positivist make use of observation and experiment in the study.
The Positivism research tradition adherent a realist ontology. Positivist argue human beings to discover the world which is made of quantifiable, perceptible and detectable by giving it sense and description. The ontology of positivism research paradigm advocates the scientific research and stresses in order for something to exist must be proven through experiment and observation. The positivist do not reject self-evident proposals, particularly on the unknown phenomena. The positivist argues that reality is not influenced by social construction.
Positivist support the idea of John Locke, which states that the human mind is blank at birth. Positivism research tradition takes different amongst subject along with object. The epistemology of positivism is based on parallel dualism, which can be defined as philosophy of mind. The dualism includes mental and bodily or mind as well as body. Positivism presumes the existence of a direct and mainly theory-neutral by conducting observation or experimentation the social world is accessed. Positivist argues that all knowledge is discovered as a result of observation

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