Civil Society Essay

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Name Matric No
Daniel Ak Michael 51576
Dayana Binti Ramli 51587
Amiera Syahira Bt Shahrum 51167
Jalwa Hanis Binti Jumain 54645
Muhammad Haziq Bin Mohd Hanidza 52706

‘The term of ‘civil society’ generally is used to refer to social relations and organizations outside the state or governmental control. Usually ‘civil society’ ‘refers to nongovernmental organization (NGOs) and it is also known as an association …show more content…

Civil society is in fact the third sector which means that in many ways it negatively defined it is not the private economy , the state and the activities. The common denominator here is that it is really actions and organization of private citizens that take action for common goals interest in values may be free divers anything from sports, bowling and for belief system for example it can be your local church. According to Abdul Rashid Moten, civil society is a peculiarly modern concept, which emerged between the 17th and the 19th centuries. The concept was neglected in the West for most of the 20th century though it was commonly used in Marxist terminology and some of its derivatives. It became popular in the late 1970 and early 1980. There are many factors that made civil society popular. But, there are two main factors that lead to the popularity of civil society which are the emergence of grassroots organisations in European communist countries and the influences is through the rise of the NGO …show more content…

The purpose was to strengthen the rise of Islam in Malaysia. From this, it shows that ABIM flourish the democracy in Malaysia as this movement brought up the causes for students’ voice to be heard. Contradict to just go with the flow and have no faith that even the youths have the saying in the country. From our point of view, and as the future graduates, we think that this kind of flaming fire spirit is needed to build better, and more harmony

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