Mixed Approach In Research Essay

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All chapters are important in a dissertation, but some chapters are more important than others. Pajares (2007) argues that “the methodology section is the most important section in the entire proposal as it explains each step the researcher will take in order to conduct the research.” According to Kumar (2002), "the chapter gives information that helps the reader to assess the credibility of the findings. It gives room for replication by other researchers in different settings and is thus a vehicle of expanding the researcher’s influence in the discipline being studied.” Methodology refers to the methods or procedures used to carry out a research. It gives the researcher the opportunity to consider the research carefully and to plan the way in which she will approach the research.
This chapter provides insights into the research design and the research method that will be used in gathering and analyzing the data to answer the …show more content…

Creswell (2007) stated that “the different data collection methods enable the researcher to see the same phenomenon from different perspectives in order to understand the problem more completely.” Moreover, triangulation helps to increase the validity, strength and interpretative potential of a study as well as decreases biases of the researcher.
The study used a mixed research method which provided reliable and valid results. The combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods promoted a better and complete understanding of the research problem. It also helped to strengthen confidence in results. Greene (2005) highlights “a mixed method approach offers greater possibilities than a single method approach.”

3.3 Research

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