In The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy Buchanan are seen as the ones who caused Jay Gatsby's death. Nick Carraway was the only one who could’ve actually saved Jay Gatsby’s life. He never informed his cousin that Tom Buchanan was cheating on her and he should’ve tried a bit harder when he asked Gatsby to leave town. Nick was the cause of Jay Gatsby’s death.
There will be no investigation as far as Long Island officials are concerned. There is every reason to believe that Mr. Wilson was a madman deranged by the grief of losing his wife.” Further investigations on both deaths are being carried out separately by authorities. Mr. Gatsby is thought to be survived by his father, Henry C. Gatz, of Minnesota. It is not disclosed when a funeral for Mr. Gatsby will be held, although his absence will surely be grieved by the avid party-goers of New
I definitely did not expect Gatsby to be blamed for Myrtle's murder, let alone for the murder itself to occur. What I expected for Gatsby was for him to run off into the sunset with Daisy. But in the end maybe it was for the best that Gatsby was taken out of the situation he was in. If the murder would have gone to trial, Gatsby still would have taken the fall for Daisy. She was an obsession for him, he probably would have never moved on with his life without her.
“The Great Gatsby” is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and in that novel, there were some deaths. All deaths were unnecessary and they could have been avoided if certain changes were made or a lot of decisions that could have been made differently. But the real question is, who is to blame for the deaths? It is mostly Nick’s, and the Universe's fault, and I can prove it to you very simply. First off, Nick is very good friends with Tom & Gatsby.
When a dream is taken too seriously to the point where reality is forgotten, it can physically harm a person. When Gatsby was shot by Wilson, Nick Carraway sheds light on the reason behind this tragic incident. Nick describes the loss of Gatsby 's life as Gatsby “[pays] a high price for living too long with a single dream”(Fitzgerald 165). Gatsby’s life was dedicated to achieving one dream, to be happy with Daisy. His dedication to his dream effected his view of reality.
The most shocking moment in the novel The Great Gatsby was ultimately when George Wilson snuck into Gatsby’s backyard and shot him in the back, sending him falling into his pool. If you were to ask a student who was responsible for the murder of Jay Gatsby, they would respond with the answer “George Wilson”. However, simply putting the word “morally” at the front of that question, you can now be provided with several different answers. Any main character in the novel The Great Gatsby, including Nick, Daisy, Tom, or Gatsby himself can be seen as morally responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby besides George Wilson. How would you feel if the woman you worked hard to be with and were deeply in love with was the one morally responsible for your death?
Who Truly Killed Gatsby? People might think Gatsby’s death came as a shock, but was it really? There was so much happening that built up to that moment, some might even say it was inevitable. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald brought up the theory that multiple people are responsible for Gatsby’s death, such as Daisy, the woman he sacrificed everything for, Tom, the one who sold out Gatsby, or Gatsby himself, the one too blinded by love to notice his life tumbling down around him.
In my opinion, Tom is most responsible for Gatsby’s death. I believe that Tom is most responsible because Tom forgot to tell George that Daisy was the driver of Gatsby’s car the night Myrtle was hit by it. Tom forgot to tell George that because him and Daisy were plotting this out. I could tell something was up when Nick refers that “Tom and Daisy talking in the house(146). I also think that Daisy is a little bit responsible because she took on some bad morals when she hit Myrtle because she could have stopped the car after she hit Myrtle.
Wilson’s POV: As I approached Gatsby’s estate, I felt God’s eyes following my every movement, beckoning me to avenge my beloved wife who was ripped away from me. I was going to take her somewhere safe, where she would no longer be pursued by other men, but I failed her, I failed Myrtle. The monster Gatsby may have thought that he could escape from his sins, stealing my wife and then throwing her away like garbage, but God saw everything, and he could not run forever. His inconsiderate actions have angered our Father, who did not approve of such a manipulative man with revolting hauteur. Gatsby lived like a king in his castle, protected by his wealth, and oblivious to the consequences of his actions.
In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, there are many important characters, some alike and some different. Two characters who are both different and alike at the same time are Tom Buchanan and George Wilson. Fitzgerald gives the reader a lot of information about how Tom and George are very different from each other. One can interpret many different things that Fitzgerald may be trying to convey about the nature of men. Based on how he portrays Tom and George’s actions it helps to show the true nature of men.
In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Jay Gatsby was murdered by George Wilson Husband of Myrtle. In the court of law there’s only one person who was responsible and guilty for the murder of Jay Gatsby. Although in the eyes of god there was more than one person responsible for the murder or had the ability to stop the outcome of the murder. Weather it was Tom being honest about his affair, Daisy doing the right thing and stopping during the accident or Jay Gatsby himself by taking control of the situation and doing what was good for both Daisy and himself instead of just what 's best for Daisy. Tom, Myrtle, Daisy, and Gatsby were selfish and self centered leading them to become Morally responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby.
In the novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is chiefly responsible for his own downfall because he is foolish, lives in the past, and never gives up on Daisy. To begin, in the novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is chiefly
Harry S. Truman once said, “Actions are the seed of fate, deeds grow into destiny”. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is killed by George Wilson who mistakenly believes that Gatsby Murdered his wife, Myrtle. Jay Gatsby is welcoming, optimistic and innocent of murdering Myrtle Wilson. Because Gatsby is generous, romantic and innocent, he definitely did not deserve his horrible fate. With Gatsby’s fate being two-sided, readers will better understand why Jay Gatsby did not deserve his fate.
Literary deaths always have a meaning, and the abrupt demise of various characters in The Great Gatsby is no exception. As tensions build and secret loves are proclaimed, characters begin to meet untimely deaths. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Gatsby and Wilson's deaths, along with Gatsby's funeral, to symbolize the death of the American dream. Both men simply want to be successful and happy, and neither of them achieve their ultimate dreams.
"The Great Gatsby" is an outstanding piece of classic American literature. F. Scott Fitzgerald discusses the issues on-post-war society, the American dream, love, and wealth. This draws attention to the readers that question if Jay Gatsby is "Great". Despite the uselessness of his beginnings, Gatsby is great due to the intensity of his will. Although, Gatsby is a person whose false love, materialism, and egotism led him to the tragic end.