I’m fairly confident that I at the very least passed the test with a 3, maybe even a 4. I think that I did as well as I usually do on multiple choice, which hopefully means that I got more than half of them right, but there were more than a few questions that I had trouble with and I ended up not being very confident with my answers for them, however on the whole I think I did alright. For the essays, I spent WAY too much time on the DBQ (I went into the rhetorical analysis time in order to finish it) and I didn’t do a very good time synthesising and using the sources. I’m fairly certain that I answered the prompt thoroughly, but I relied too much on outside information and didn’t use many quotes from the sources. For the rhetorical analysis,
Those who were responsible for crafting essa ESSA sought to shift the focus from federal accountability and oversight to more local and state-based control; under President Obama’s waiver program, CCSSI and RTT initiatives, the direction of education policy was one on increased federal control over education. An oft-quoted Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that ESSA would represented, “the largest devolution of federal control to the states in a quarter-century.” Chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee John Kline further billed ESSA as a rejection of the “Washington-knows-best approach to education” and touted ESSA as “the kind of responsible education reforms the American people want and deserve.” While the rhetoric
Differences are often produced during the conversation, reduce differences, won the approval of the people is the focus of the third chapter. Twelve method completely summarized how to better won the approval of the others, and others on the same point of view. There are several kinds of twelve method is my father taught me before. Article 3 the If you 're wrong, admit and article 8 stand in others point of view.
From the listening, the professor explains that emotional appeals are to manipulate or control our emotion. And he also says that advertisers use different techniques to persuade us to buy. In the reading, there are two examples about the emotional appeals. The one is Jacko, who is one of the most famous Australian football players.
I am happy to join with you today, as the Senator of the Hoosier state that is Indiana, in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for patriotism in the history of our nation. It is as if that a mere third of a century ago, we were not a nation, we were not united, we ran by tyranny, the British fed on our fear. Not today, now we have a nation, one day we will have a country from sea to sea. And that can be complete if we Americans do one thing. Fight the Mexicans for that land.
I agree with the message of this clip, which is to be cautious when looking for love and be certain that a deep and meaningful connection is present prior to engaging in intercourse with another. I think this is important because we live in a world that is over sexualized and as a result teaches our youth the wrong messages and leaves women feeling that they must seduce a man in order to entice and keep a man. In my opinion, Pastor Paul quoted two of the most profound statements which was King Solomon 's quote "Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" this was a crucial message because it was directed at women who throughout history have had a tendency to seek love and in many cases try to force love when it is non-existent. Too many women today confuse intercourse with love and they end up with their hearts broken because they believed that a physical relationship would heighten their emotional
Speeches are used to commemorate points of history, and inform the general public of the product of their history but what makes a speech so impacting on it’s audience? Rhetorical devices give speeches and works of literature a way that can convey feelings or ideas to a viewer. When addressing during times of war or chaos, people such as Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, and Winston Churchill used these terms to better connect with their audience. Without these tools of the english language, dialogue and literature would be all the more dull and unappealing. However, with these useful instruments, writers and speakers can better communicate through some of the many rhetorical devices.
Referring to Michael Mateas’ article, I argue that Gerty is an example of “behavioral interactionist AI” which its different with HAL, Gerty focuses with embodied agents interacting in a physical or virtual world. HAL is an example of “symbolist, classical AI”, which focuses with symbolic manipulation and problem solving. Thus both of these two AL has abilities to accomplish many specific capabilities, such as playing chess, communicate with people, etc. However, HAL its illustrates goal-driven behavior, which leads him to express inner conflicts and tells complicated lies that creates strong contrast with Gerty; Gerty is more emotional about Sam but not trying to achieve his goal. HAL accurately represents the vision of classic AI, but Gerty
The United States is made up of some of the most diverse and interesting cultures in the world. Jamila Lyiscott proves this by showing her different dialects and how they are all equally important. Lyiscott believes that the way she speaks towards her parents, towards her friends, and towards her colleagues are all one in the same. Throughout the entirety of her speech, Lyiscott changes up her vocal patterns and dialects so that the audience can understand first hand what each of these dialects are. When she talks about her father, Lyiscott uses her native tongue, when she talks to her fellow neighbors and close friends she switches it up to a more urbanized dialect, and when she is in school she masks the other two dialects with a professional sounding language.
The advertisement is a way that companies use to communicate with people. It is also a very important way to learn how consumers react to their selling products and in order for that to happen companies sell what consumers want or wish for themselves. Dove, a very respectful company, launch a campaign “The real beauty” in 2004. The purpose behind this is to celebrate the natural physical famine variation. Showing consumers that the most value product is you, and for you to value the inside just as much as the outside.
Past leaders such as Andrew Jackson, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Marc Antony are evidence that society does not reward morality and good character in leadership. Society is drawn to leaders that have good rhetoric, propaganda, and charismatic personalities, and society supports them despite their immorality. Society is concerned about stability more than the morality of their leaders and will support immoral leaders in times of crisis to provide stability. In history there have been multiple leaders that have used rhetoric, propaganda and charismatic personalities to gain power, despite their morals.
A major theme in A&P is personal freedom. Throughout the story Updike uses metaphor for all elements in the story to implies the theme. At the beginning of the story, Sammy uses sarcastic tone to describe the customers as “sheep” and “houseslaves” which implies he is different from them in mindset. The way how Sammy talks about others shows his intellectual mind. He is not same as Stokesie who wants to be a manager one day.
Have you ever wonder how does a crime scene investigator, known as a CSI, discover blood spatter on different fabrics, which is not visible to the human eye? The key is bluestar. According to the article “Influence of Bluestar Reagent on Blood Spatter Stain of Different Fabrics” by Arnon Grafit, bluestar is a “luminol-based reagent that is applied by spraying on surface.” Not only that, but “it helps obtain DNA and to analyze spatters patterns. By analyzing the article the reader is able to understand how bluestar works through the rhetorical techniques used.
Mark Twain, an 18th century humorist, was known for his critical and satirical writing. In one of his most famous essays, “ Fenimore Coopers Literary Offenses” Twain addresses Coopers inability to realistically develop a “situation” and his failure to effectively back up his stories in order for them to be more plausible. To dramatically convey his unimpressed and sarcastic attitude, he applies biting diction, metaphors and hypophora throughout this work . By continuously using biting diction, Twain develops a mocking tone towards Fenimore Cooper’s incapability to create even the simplest of storylines. In the title of the work a sarcastic tone is evident; the word choice is utilized to reinforce the argument stating how Coopers work is an offense to the world of literature.
Often known as the Father of American Literature to many educated individuals, Ralph Waldo Emerson in his oration “The American Scholar” brilliantly provides a sublime example of how Emerson earned his title through the appliance of diction, syntax, allusions, and many other rhetorical devices and strategies. Indicated towards his highly educated audience, the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Emerson introduces the idea that the common class and common concepts of everyday life are becoming the future of art and literature through purpose, credibility, and tone. As many great writers, Emerson does not simply tell about his idea, but instead uses rhetorical strategies to help show his central point, one such strategy being purpose. Being focused on informing his audience of the coming days, the use of purpose can be