
Jacoby Monologue

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Jacob: This is the story of how I saved a friend from the brink of death.

Charlotte: It all started 6 months ago. I was out with my friends Daffney and Laney when I noticed something was wrong. But for now let’s go back a little farther than that.

(Trill music)

It goes back to 4 months ago in a dream type of view

Daffney: Are you excited for summer break?

Laney: Well, not really. I have to babysit my brothers everyday.

Charlotte: Aw. That stinks.

Laney: Yeah. But I get to leave once my Grandma gets to our house at 1:30.

Daffney: Then we can hang out after that.

Laney: I guess so.

Charlotte: Do you get payed?

Laney: Yeah. But-

Charlotte: Then what’s the problem? It just means more ICE CREAM!

All of the girls start to laugh.
The scene fades away. …show more content…

I got pictures of them and laied them out on the table. I spent hours and hours looking at the pictures. And then.

Jacob:(in person) I got it!

He runs off the stage.
He runs back on the other side and goes into the police station.
He says something to police officer 1.
1 tells something to 2 and 1 and J run off.

They run into a house.
They go into the basement and see the kidnapper holding a gun to Charlotte’s head.
The officer says something into his shoulder mike and arrests the man.

During this the following voice over is playing.

Jacob: You see I remember when she said he wore a white apron. I remember her acting weird at the start of summer. I remember her staring at the ice cream truck man. Her eyes showed fear. Her eyes. It was like her brain knew something was off, but did not know what. That’s when I figured it out. It was the ice cream man.

Voice over ends.
The 2 friends hug.

Charlotte: I knew you would find me. So how did you do it? How did you find me?

Jacob: I remembered your eyes. I remembered your clues.

Now the 2 are at the desk.

Jacob: So that 's our story.

Charlotte: And that 's how I am forever grateful to

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