Jamestown Dbq

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Death was an incessant factor of the Jamestown colonists’ morality. In around 1607, the English set foot on the James River in Virginia. From there to 1611, a total of 500 colonists would arrive and in that same amount of time, 400 of them would be dead. The largest, pestering question is why? There were three main reasons to answer this hysterical question. First, the colonists had terrible water problems that befell them. Second, they lacked hugely indispensable key skills. Third, these colonists had horrendous relations with the Powhatans.
Almost all of the Jamestown colonists’ water mishaps was the unforgiving droughts they experienced. The droughts obviously impeded rainfall which retarded corn growth. Ultimately, the drought left colonists with little water and no food. Speaking of little water, Document A says tides played with the colonists a little. For example, the high tides would come in and make the freshwater from the …show more content…

Namely, the colonists were terrible with sanitation; terrible disease was wrought amongst them, these colonists didn’t bring women who were generally better at caregiving, and the list in Document C holds not the label of the farmer; hence, there was no well-grown food. Additionally, the list contains large numbers held to describe the gentlemen’s quantity. The gentlemen were people of wealth and they weren’t used to laboring with their hands. This was detrimental to the survival of the Jamestown colonists. Also, the first settlers brought no apothecary and only one surgeon; the expediency of every medical need, most likely in this case, only grew and ever germinated. The surgeons and apothecaries were of indispensable value to the life of the colonists. Thus, a mass death of the colonists was a likely situation, caused by the lack of telling to use proper hygiene (which was a given in that time period; they only bathed twice a