Essay On Role Of Jobs In Social Life

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Job/work has been one of the most integral parts of human social life along with other social activities. Before industrialization and modernization of society, most of the jobs in human society were based on entrepreneurship and self-performance to earn for their livelihood. One would do works for itself in order to comfort their life by doing agriculture or trading goods made in their homes but in today’s world, the orientation of livelihood has changed so much that now literally people work for others i.e organization, companies and governments in order to make earnings for their life. This paradigm shift in the human culture and society in terms of financial affairs has brought many fruits e.g technological advancement, production of high quality and high quantity goods etc but on the other side it also brought some adversities with itself i.e increased work load that leads to stress, reduction of family life, lowering health prospects etc. Both the advantages and adversities are highly interlinked with each in the realm of this financial as well as social behavioral change in the global human culture. These changes are though temporary but are continues in nature that are happening in both the organizations as well as individuals life. Meeting all these changes become difficult for both organizations and employees, that enhances the issues among them and responsible for most of the quarrels and mischiefs in the offices of organizations. These quarrels create conflicts, dishonesty and disloyalty in hearts that have grave implications for both employee …show more content…

It states that stress is the force, pressure, or strain exerted upon a material object or person which resist these forces and attempt to maintain its original state.” It can also be defined as an adverse reaction that people experience when external demands exceed their internal capabilities (Waters & Ussery,

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