Homosexuality Is Unnatural By John Corvino

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Unusual or Unnatural

Homosexuality has been a controversial topic for more years than we can count. Often driven by upbringing or religious morals, homosexuality has been considered a sin for many. Men and women who practice love and sexual relationships with the same sex are accused of being immoral, indecent and unnatural. John Corvino states that people generally are against homosexual acts and homosexuality in general, because they are unnatural, harmful, and/or it goes against what the bible says. These are the most common arguments against homosexuality.
When Corvino talks about the arguments of homosexuality being unnatural, he says that although it may be unusual it’s not unnatural. What is natural cannot possibly be defined. The …show more content…

To me, this is the most used and abused excuse in the book. People use the bible to justify their positions on homosexuality. Corvino says that people should learn to use the bible “in their historical context”(173). I agree with Corvino because the information in the bible was written hundreds of years ago and represents the culture, laws and lifestyles of that time. We are given the choice to view the bible in literal terms or in metaphorical terms, which aid us in making decisions. When we choose to believe the bible literally we need to acknowledge a few things. You must also then be accountable to the many other literal instructions. You should not be eating pork is an example of an old idea. Also, Corvino brings up the point of the Greek society. The Greeks had relationships between men and boys. If this is what the bible is talking about, then these instances are no longer typical and then the bible doesn’t apply. These are old ideas and we should all begin to consider re-examining some of these ideas and learning of their origins. We cannot literally interpret the bible and then hold homosexuals more accountable for their actions than someone who eats