John Von Neumann Architecture Analysis

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Introduction John von Neumann’s, a computer architect from the 1940’s, designs define the ideals for modern area digital computers. Von Neumann architecture depicts the contents of a computer, memory addressing, operations, and interpretation of machine language, instructions, data operations, and contents of memory. (Introduction to Computer Architecture, n.d.) The main components of a modern era computer system consist of central processing units (CPU), memory, and input and output devices to operate efficiently, and provide user desired results with little to no interaction. The CPU makes all of this possible by facilitating the role of a computer system brain. However, input and output devices are the only components that interface directly with the user, CPU’s primary function is to fetch, decode, and execute instructions in a never-ending cycle. (Wingard, 2002) The CPU consists of three key components arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), the …show more content…

(Ram, 2007) All computer systems’ CPU fail to contain all special registers, high-end CPUs contain the majority. Program counter maintains the address and location of instruction next in sequence for execution. Program counter maintains the memory address of the next set of instructions, and retroactively increments to the next address after the instructions fetched. Jump instructions were the instructions are in none sequential order requires the program counter to skip to the desired information. SP serves as user-defined memory locations, storing information mandatory for the execution of programs. SP maintains a record of the last accessed location of the stack, depicting all previous utilized memory points and decrement based on the information. (Ram,

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