Conversion Of The Jungle Essay

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In the midst of modern life that rely on the advancement of science and technology today, there are still underdeveloped and isolated patterns of life in a community in the province of Jambi, namely children in the tribal community, which is better known as the stronghold of the tribe or the jungle. They still live in a way to move, use loincloth (clothing was minimal) and live far away from the general community. One appropriate solution is to change the lifestyle of the community of the jungle by means of a gradual or slow using the park's forests as a medium closest and most appropriate for the life of the jungle over the years, which aims to touch their lives in total, to understand their point of view it structural and cultural, so there is no intervention that burden them. Therefore, changes made radically and quickly, or the massive negative impacts caused them to feel intervened, and eventually …show more content…

The reason why the forest park hill twelve were used as media approach in changing lifestyle of the community of the jungle

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