Junk Food Should Be Banned

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Is junk food the true bad food? Do schools need to ban junk food? What is the true definition of junk food? Junk food is a term that describes food that contributes a lot of calories and may have a low nutritional value, and because people are complaining that many children in America already eat large amounts of junk food. They don’t think schools should still be selling it, and some people are even suggesting that there should be no junk food in school vending machines, this includes cookies and chips. Although some junk food can be unhealthy, schools should continue to sell it because kids need to learn how and should be able to make their own decisions, junk food can provide energy and is healthy for a student’s ability to stay focused, and there are not enough sugars and carbohydrates in school lunches and they need to be due to the reason they are a necessary part of nutrition. Students need to learn how and should be able to make their own decisions. “Students like freedom of choice.” explained Margaret Johnson an educator at a high school in New Mexico. So if the school sells both healthy food and junk food it will give students a choice. Students need both types, they need varieties, so that they are not entitled to only one option everyday. According to a study done in 2002 by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition revealed, that children who were not allowed to have and didn’t ever have a choice to eat junk food were more likely to overeat within the next

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