Margin That Long Silence Analysis

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Marginalization is the social process of being relegated to the fringe of society. One such example of marginalization is the marginalization of women. Marginalization has been defined as a complex process of relegating specific groups of people to the lower or outer edge of society. It effectively pushes these groups of people to the margin of society economically, politically, culturally and socially following the policy of exclusion. It denies a section of the society equal access to productive resources and avenues for the realization of their productive human potential and opportunities for their full capacity utilization. This pushes the community to poverty, misery, low wage and discrimination and livelihood insecurity. Their upward social mobility is being limited. Politically this process of relegation denies people equal access to the formal power structure and participation in the decision making processes leading to their subordination to and dependence on the economically and politically dominant groups of society. As a consequence of the economic, political and cultural deprivation a vast chunk of the population has emerged to be socially ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and dependent. Devoid of the basic necessities of life they are relegated to live on the …show more content…

The heroine of the novel Jaya stoically maintains silence throughout her life to cope with the desires and expectations of her husband Mohan. The notion that Indian women are basically inferior to men is instilled into the heroines of Deshpande giving them a mindset which they cannot discard. So a woman has to be passive and docile. The protagonist of That Long Silence makes all efforts to fit herself into the traditional mould. Her life is a crusade against the defaming silence that has entrapped the likes of her

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