Kinematics Literature Review

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Section 2 – Kinematics This section of the literature review will deal with the kinematics involved with the shoulder. “Kinematics” can be roughly defined as a branch of mechanics that is concerned with the motion of objects, without reference to the forces which cause motion. 2.8.1 Terminology – Directional Terms The use of directional terms is necessary when describing the relationship of body parts. Below is a list of directional terms and their meanings: Term Name Meaning Superior Toward the head end; Above Inferior Away from the head end; Below Anterior Toward or nearer the front; In front of Posterior Toward or nearer the back; Behind Medial Toward or at the midline of the body Lateral Away from the middle …show more content…

The term “arthroscopy” basically means “to look inside the joint”. (Dictionary) Surgeons have been performing this surgery since the 1970’s. During surgery, the arthroscope, i.e. a small camera is placed into the shoulder joint. A television screen is then used to display pictures from the camera for the surgeon to see and he/she uses these images to guide small surgical instruments. The nature of the miniature instruments means that the surgeon can use very small cuts instead of the larger cuts that are needed for the standard, open surgery. The advantages of this are that patients feel less pain and that less recovery time is required for the patients. Overall, it has made diagnosis, treatment, recovery and the whole process far simpler and quicker than humans could ever have imagined. The process as a whole is continuously improving year by year due to advancements in technology and instruments as well as the developing of new techniques in the medical …show more content…

Non-Surgical treatment can range from rest to therapy and medications. Injury, by heavy lifting, sports or any other activity, over-using the affected shoulder or simply by the shoulder muscles, tendons and joints being worn down over time are the main reasons for shoulder problems. Arthroscopic surgery can help ease the painful symptoms of many problems that harm the tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint. As well as rotator cuff repair, the surgery is also used to remove bone spur, inflamed tissue and loose cartridge as well as repair damaged

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