King Salmon Research Paper

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Topic/Research Question: Growth and physiological responses of king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) fed different commercial diets
King or chinook salmon was successfully introduced in New Zealand at the beginning of 20th century. Early 90s, king salmon farming emerged as a key industry player. Until now it has been growing for more than 30 years and export to many countries in the would. New Zealand is also the world 's largest producer of king salmon, produce approximately 11,000 million tonnes annual. However, as other fish, one problem facing of king salmon is the need to obtain a balance between rapid fish growth and optimum use of feed (Gokcek et al., 2008). This is because feed accounts for between approximately 40% - 60% …show more content…

Health assessment of salmon fed different diets
Design/Plan of the Study:
1. Material and method:
Fingerling and juvenile salmon are acclimatized to laboratory conditions in tanks fitted to a flow through system and fed commercial feed . Water quality are maintained in ranges considered adequate for optimum salmon performance.
Feeding frequency: Four salmon groups are fed at the frequencies of once, twice, thrice (09.00, 13.00 and 16.00 h) and four times (09.00, 11.00, 13.00 and 16.00 h) daily, respectively. For first group, three treatments are designed to feed at 3 different time: 8.00, 12.00 or 16.00. For second group, two treatments are designed to feed at 9.00 and 13.00 or 9.00 and 15.00.
Salmon are fed at five feeding rates, 10%, 12.5% and 15%, 17.5% and 20% of body weight. Fish tanks are siphoned residual feed and faecal matter. Water in the tanks were changed twice weekly. Water quality parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH) are monitored everyday, nitrite and nitrate are monitor by quick tests. Dead fish are removed from tank …show more content…

Mean daily consumption of feed (g) by each tank per feeding frequency, feeding rate and feeding time are estimated by subtracting the weight of the uneaten feed from the total have weight of feed given. These values were then summed to determine the mean weekly feed consumption per feeding frequency, feeding rate and feeding time. Each feeding frequency, feeding rate and feeding time being experimentally tested in triplicate.
2. Evaluate feeding efficiency and growth performance of salmon fed different diets The growth parameters are caculated such as growth rate, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion efficiency (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER), and survival rate.
- Growth rate: Measurements of weights and lengths of 30 salmons per tank are carry out after being anaesthetized per two weeks.
- Survival rate: Dead salmon are removed and caculate daily by fomular: Percentage survival rate = 100 x (number of survived salmon)/total number of salmon starting the treatment in each tank).
- Specific Growth Rate (SGR):- Specific Growth Rate will calculated by fomular:
Specific growth rate (SGR) = 100 x (Ln Wfinal – Ln Winitial) /

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