Korean Field Trip

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Dr. Seuss one said, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” I believe that Dr. Seuss couldn’t have said it any better. Being in South Korea these last few months has been an unforgettable experience. I met so many people, traveled to many places and learned a lot much about myself. However, I would have never been to all these places without the help of the Global Village Program and Culture experience class. Therefore, in this essay I will describe each field trip, the subtle differences between South Korea and the United States and the importance of the field trip to Korean culture. The Korean Folk Village was a great way to step into Koreas past. I began my day with …show more content…

This Festival purpose was to promote the excellence of Korea’s traditional ceramic craft. We began the day by making our own ceramic pots which was a lot of fun! I thought that it was a nice way to get down and dirty and really get into the “ceramic spirit” of the whole festival. After making an awesome ceramic pot with a nice Korean man, I was able to walk around and check out the ceramic crafts that locals where selling. It was nice to get a firsthand experience of the artwork made in Korea because not many people who visit Korea are able to buy authentic locally made things because tourists are bombarded with “Made in Korea” nick-nacks. After walking the festival, we got a tour of the facility where we visited the stone lantern in front of stele to Bejejonja in Silleuska, Yeoju. This lap was created in order to brighten the Saria stupa for Priest Naong. According to Buddhist religion, one will be reborn with purity when a lamp is lit in front of their Saria stupa. We also saw a Multi-storied Jeontop, a tower made a bricks that is the only coryeo jeontop that reminds in

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