You touched on a critical point in your forum, as of why workers went on strike. While poverty played a significant role, in 1877, railroad employees experienced a significant pay cut, which sparked the Great Railway Strike, triggering violence and a shutdown of the railways lasting nearly six weeks. Next, the Pullman strike began with railroad owners becoming increasingly wealthier, while none of the profits trickled down to the employees. The labor walk-outs encompassed the substantial divide between social classes. Hence, rich businessmen were increasing their profits, while poor workers often remained stagnate with low wages and company issued paycuts.
Looking at the pace of development and rapid industrialization of the United States in the late Nineteenth century, we can figure out and sort many major and minor contributing factors aiding the industrialization process. Keeping all the factors and conditions into consideration, first thing is the mechanization of Labor force. The division of labor eventually facilitated production by reducing the producing cost. The labor force that built America during the late nineteenth century was comprised of primarily the immigrants. The contribution of many inventors and scientist, including gasoline powered automobiles, advanced coal engines, the telephone and the typewriter and many more advanced railways that helped to connect the entire US played a significant function in manufacturing, producing and whole industrialization process.
There are several issues labor and business antagonize over. There were tons of families and individuals affected by the downfalls occurring in this era. Many immigrants and workers were badly mistreated and were not really recognized by their hard work. The government gave signals for the rest of the century; there would be no strikes for the white people and blacks would be put back. Immigrants came from Europe and China to make new labor forces; these farmers were unable to purchase new machinery or pay new railroad rates.
By the early 1800’s the industrial revolution had began in the United States. But it did not really start until after the civil war in . When people began to move to cities to work in industries involving mines and factories instead of staying in the rural areas. The three major factors that permitted the united states to industrialize during the late 19th century which are an orotund source of natural resources and raw materials. Some of these were coal, oil, timber, water, ETC.
The late 19th century and early 20th century brought significant effects on U.S. society. Generally technological advancements were developing, and corporations were being established. At the beginning of this movement, America was benefitting well until these situations developed further. Overtime, Americans gave their opinions and formed unions, organizations, and even a party in these times. As a result, the Industrialization on America impacted The United States significantly.
The feeling, shown in Nast's illustration after the railroad strike of 1877, that amalgamations simply lead to more " communistic values" and general uniformity made it very arduous to genuinely get anything done. Samuel Gompers, progenitor of the American Federation of Labor, argued that the right to strike was absolutely obligatory if any reforms were going to be made and not even this right had been officially granted to the people by regime (Document I). Gompers made it very pellucid that not even the very substratum of organized labor had been established and so up until this point the advances that had been made, were virtually frivolous. In conclusion, from 1875-1900 very few advances were made through organized labor in achieving better working conditions for workers.
economically, socially, and politically. The Industrial Revolution resulted in the economical transition from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy. The perfection the railroad compounded by improvement in manufacturing and the emergence of capitalism resulted in an economic boom. Manufacturing became the core of America’s economy. Manufacturing greats like Andrew Carnegie, mass produced goods such as steel for extremely low prices by exploiting cheap immigrant labor and the Republicans’ (dominating political power of the era)
Begun in England in the early second half of the 1700s, the Industrial Revolution did not reach America till the late 18th century. This revolution brought about a great many changes in American Society. The surge of new ideas, techniques and technologies that was the Industrial Revolution had a great impact on America, not only economically, as one would typically expect, but also socially, politically, and morally. The bringing of the textile mill to America by Samuel Slater was one event that had a great impact on many aspects of American society.
During the early twentieth century, the United States underwent a great amount of growth and expansion as a result of the ongoing Industrial Revolution. Throughout the Industrial Revolution, the United States experienced a shift from being a largely agrarian society to being an industrial one. Mass production in factories, as opposed to goods being mainly produced by individuals, became the norm, and this greatly transformed the lives of working-class Americans. Cities became places of high job availability and opportunity, and as a result, many Americans moved from their farms to the cities to find work in one of the many factories. In addition to that, many workers emigrated from European countries in order to find work in American factories.
In 1877, amid an economic depression, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads lowered their workers' wages by 20 percent. Their workers unionized in a strike that started in West Virginia. 2/3 of the nation joined, opposing the federal troops sent by President Hayes to end the strike. America’s Gilded Age was an era of confrontation between management and labor. It was an era of economic depression, growing industrialism and abysmal working conditions.
In the 1840’s there was a wave of democratization created after Jackson’s presidency. It was created the value of the common man, and the importance of every person who was in the government. Of course, there were exceptions to this rule as there still certain groups like blacks or women that were viewed as inferior, but the majority of the population felt like they had worth. This led to series of reforms: hospitals for the mentally ill, schools for people with physical disabilities, the temperance movement, and labor unions. This movements fought a better society with better treatment even though there would be no economic incentives to do so.
In 1791, Philadelphia carpenters held a campaign for 10-hour workdays, resulting in the first successful strike. During the Civil War and World War I, the need for laborers increased, in turn growing labor unions. Unions are beneficial to the middle class workers in many ways. Often times, unionized workers have higher wages. Labor unions often go through collective bargaining, which is when a group,
During this time era the number of unions increased. Each union may have had their own agenda and only allowed certain groups of people in, they were all created from one major factor, working conditions. Harsh working conditions pushed people to fight for better rights through unions. People were expected to work in dangerous conditions and work ridiculous long hours for a small amount of pay sometimes they did not even receive money for pay, they received scrip. One major role unions helped create in today's society is an eight hour work day.
As a result union membership sextupled, from two million to twelve million members in just ten years. Historically the mass resources of employers provided them all of the bargaining power when pitted against the meager resources of the individual employee. Increasing union size helped level the playing field between workers and management. Through collective bargaining wages and working conditions were greatly improved. That remains true to this day, most benefits enjoyed by modern employees, even non-union ones, can be traced to union triumphs and pro-union legislation such as the Wagner Act.
The American Industrialization was in the late 1800’s making many things to improve the economy. The American Industrialization was caused by multiple factors, some of the factors included a growing population, a willing work force, high tariffs, among many more. These effects made people willing to work at lower wages so they can get jobs and buy American made goods. There were many outcomes of the Industrial Revolution, both positive, like improving people's lives, and negative effects, like exploitation of workers. The positive effects of American Industrialization is how it make work cheaper, employed thousands of workers, and improving people’s lives.