Summary: The Process Of Migration

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Migration is an integral feature of demographic transition. The process of migration changes the size and the structure of population. It affects both the place of origin and destination of migrants. Migratory movements are considered as physical events shaped by environmental forces. Migratory movements are caused due pressure on land because of rapid growth of population, decline in rural industries and handicrafts, lack of employment and livelihood etc. thus, migration is one of the dynamic constituents of population change and a vital component of development. Labour migration may be defined as a form of labour mobility towards districts or states or outside where industry and employment are expanding. In the other words, migration may …show more content…

The construction industry plays an important role in the socio-economic development and in generating employment in the country. In developing countries like India, the intensity of construction activity is considered as a sensitive indicator of the economic growth. It is one of the stable growing industries in India and the largest economic activity after agriculture. There is a high demand for unskilled and semi skilled workers in the construction …show more content…

In terms of area, Kerala forms only 1.275% of India and having a population of 33.3 million accounts for 2.76% of India's population. Population density in Kerala is 859 people per sqkm. The Kerala Model of Development has won wide international attention for its achievements in regard to social indicators. It refers to the state's achievement of significant improvements in material conditions of living, reflected in indicators of social development that are comparable to that of many developed countries, even though the state's per capita income is low in comparison to them. Ecology plays an important role in the Kerala economy by providing a diversified natural resource base, enabling a large degree of occupational diversification. Geographical the region comprises three zones namely Lowland, Midland,

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