Young Immigrant Children

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Everyday, people all around the world are migrating from their home country to a new first world country for a better life for themselves and their children. The reasons as to which they migrate can be classified as social, economic, or political issues that push them to seek a healthier environment. Although immigrants are finding new lives in other countries, it facilitates the loss of familiarity with their native culture. The young immigrant children that move or are born in their non-native countries sometimes never get the chance to experience the ethnic background that their parents grew up with. Therefore, the lack of familiarity with a child's native background fosters global social issues such as the negative impact it has on future …show more content…

“Empirical studies also show that some immigrant parents sometimes fail to implement effective bilingual education because they firstly, are unable to keep speaking continuously at home out of habits when living in a foreign country; secondly, they fail to push hard enough for education; and thirdly, they try to help but do not know how” (Fan-Wei 115). Often times when children start going to a new school and make new friends, they get used to talking in the language spoken at school (their non-native language). Therefore, when a student starts learning a new language, they tend to practice it as much as possible and start talking to everyone they know in the new language. This causes the child to not speak enough of their mother tongue and eventually forget how to read and write it. On the other hand, parents may fail to make the effort to teach the child their native language because they are so focused on having their child and themselves excel at the new language. This causes a lack of connection or familiarity between the child and language that their parents