Lacrosse is a sport like no other. When one plays lacrosse it is an experience that can not be forgotten. It is important to know the four basic things about lacrosse. The first thing that is important to know, is how to pass, passing is helpful because in girls lacrosse, you need to pass three times before you shoot. The second thing one needs to know is how to cradle, when you cradle it keeps the ball in the stick, when one runs.
I enjoy the thrill of beating my opponent with a strategy they haven 't thought of, as well as recognizing that I 've completely messed up - and lost. As a result, I found myself in chess club. At school, I would play my friends and rivals in chess almost every morning and lunch. In addition, I 'd play online at home. Chess is such a great game to get my mind off of things and have some fun.
Lacrosse is a contact team sport played between two teams using a small rubber ball and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick. It is often considered as a rough sport, although injuries are less frequent than in American football and other contact sports. The head of the lacrosse stick is strung with loose mesh designed to catch and hold the lacrosse ball. Offensively, the objective of the game is to score by shooting the ball into an opponent's goal, using the lacrosse stick to catch, cradle, and pass the ball to do so In field lacrosse, attackmen are solely offensive players (except on the "ride", when the opposition tries to bring the ball upfield and attackmen must stop them), defensemen or defenders are solely defensive
6.You get to Be Part of a Team This is my most favorite part of being a lacrosse player, being part of a team. Being part of a lacrosse team feels amazing! It’s almost as if they are just another family.
Playing the piano, I have developed the skill of performing under pressure without having many problems. It is also a way for me to express myself and release any of the stress I have felt due to the rigorous school courses. While music has taught me very important skills, I feel that swimming is the activity that has helped me practice my communication skills and the idea of teamwork. I understand how important it is to be a team player even though I did not have any major team positions. Being a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol program, I learned more about the idea of teamwork and leadership through practicing and demonstrating my skills as a leader.
“The Most Dangerous Game,” a short story by Richard Connell, dives into the discussion over whether animals have feelings, and if it is fine for them to be hunted for a human’s own entertainment. The main protagonist, Sanger Rainsford, an American author and hunter, and the antagonist, General Zaroff, a hunter as-well, have similar views in the concept of dominance and killing animals for their own pleasure. Throughout the events of the story, both characters, ironically, switch between being the ‘hunter’ and ‘huntee’ through the development of the story, and it explores the different strategies, thoughts, and feelings they experience in their situations. The theme of “The Most Dangerous Game” concentrates on the human tendency for superiority and power under any circumstance, no matter how inhumane. The theme is demonstrated through the beliefs and actions of the characters, along with the conception of the game.
Reminiscing on my lacrosse days, I would not be the person I am today without that experience. By being involved in such a pivotal role, I gained maturity, leadership, time management, communication skills, and most importantly, confidence and learned how to believe in myself. To be an RA, it is essential to have all these. My time management skills I have thoroughly developed will help me balance school, outside activities, and the demands of an RA. Additionally, the maturity, leadership, communication skills I developed serving as a liaison between coaches, parents, and players will transfer to the RA job benefitting the hall director, other resident assistants, and the students.
But loving lacrosse will never change for me. I have big dreams that I want to achieve in lacrosse, and I won’t let anyone or anything stop me from what I love
Cole Freeling Changing rules in USA Lacrosse Association/NCAA Women's Lacrosse Introduction: If you have watched the sport of lacrosse, you will notice that women's lacrosse is a lot different than men's lacrosse. Men’s lacrosse is a full contact sport while the game of women's lacrosse is no contact and the rules are vastly different, and many women wish the sport was more like the men’s version of lacrosse. Campaign: Change the sport of lacrosse for woman I am proposing that women's lacrosse should involve more contact, and should alter the rules to do so.
Sports What sports do you play? If you don’t play sports what do you do on your free time? Here I am going to talk about the sports I play.
Being involved in sports teaches vital life lessons that will promote you to overcome challenges you endure in everyday life. The passion and leadership required in the sport of softball reflect the qualities to be successful in my education. My life-long experiences in softball have helped me develop into the person I am today in pursuing my academic career. Through my background of being highly committed to the game, taking on leadership roles and balancing academics with athletics it has prepared me for college. Softball is very meaningful to me and is one of my main commitments.
During my short life, I have not had many life altering experiences; however, one thing that has changed me for the better is playing hockey. Since I started playing hockey in eighth grade it has been something I have become passionate about for various reasons. One reason is my love for the game in general, and more specifically for playing goalie, the one position that holds the balance of the scoreboard. The second reason is being a part of a team. This is important to me because it gives a strong sense of purpose to the player.
Most people my age have a passion for playing sports, but my passion in life is a little different than most. I grew up living on a farm and being around cattle ever since I could walk has been apart of my life, which brought me to one of the reasons why I have a passion for showing cattle. People often wonder why I love showing cattle so much and what the point of it is, but there are so many reasons why I have grown the love for it. There is just something special about the feeling of your heart racing when you walk into the show ring or the handshake from the judge telling you that all your hard work has payed off. The life lessons, the memories, the friends, and the love my family
One activity that has defiantly created a change in my life is ice hockey. I’ve been playing hockey since I was seven years old. I know that playing hockey has changed my life is because it’s taught me time management, responsibility, discipline, and physical conditioning. One way that hockey has changed my life is it’s made me manage my time better. Every week and weekend I usually have practice on Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
I’m involved with many sports outside of school. For example, I play Field Hockey, Lacrosse, and