Hutchinson And Waters Essay

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As reported by Hutchinson&Waters (1987) 'Language needs are not learning needs. Although learners will need to use certain language structures or features in their target environments, this does not mean that they are ready to acquire them ' is the first thing I want to discuss. I suppose that Hutchinson &Waters include useful description of needs analysis and highlight its important role in course design. They also and explore the importance of learning needs. They maintain that ESP main aim is to teach English as a subject related to the learners ' needs and believe that what makes ESP different from General English 'is not the existence of a need as such but rather an awareness of the need. ' but we need a practical theory to show what we have to do. That the reason I want to discuss in detail the development of NA process. A preliminary stage in NA is the publication of Munby 's (1978) 'Communicative Syllabus Design '. He …show more content…

The ESP practitioners should be able to utilize the results of needs analysis research which he or she conducts to develop a language course or training program that is suitable, practical and successful for a particular context. The main instruments for executing language needs analysis study are questionnaire, structured interviews, observations, analysis of authentic spoken and written texts, discussions, and assessments.
3 Components of ESP Needs Analysis
Different ways of needs analysis are employed to investigate different focuses and issues in language planning, development, teaching and learning. Many ESP scholars suggest that TSA (Target Situation Analysis), LSA (Learning Situation Analysis), PSA (Present Situation Analysis) are the fundamental components for assessing language needs of learners.
3.1 Target Situation Analysis

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