The Breakfast Club The breakfast club is a famous teen film directed by John Hughes. The Breakfast Club provides many concepts of adolescent struggles like identity issues, peer pressure, stereotypes, family relationships. The storyline follows five high school students from different social status meeting at their school’s library for Saturday detention. The film depicts Claire as the princess, Andrew as the jock, Brian as the brain, Allison as the basket case and Bender as the criminal. However, later in the film, they realize that they are more than what society portrays them and that they have more in common than they thought. The film introduces Andrew, the athlete, he is cocky and arrogant, he is great at sports and is at the top of …show more content…
For instance, when Bender harasses Claire and Brian, Andrew decides to defend them and protect Claire from Bender’s insults. Andrew is more of a protective leader, he defends and attempts to do what he thinks it’s right. However, Bender is constantly in trouble or trying to get the others in risky situations. For example, he sneaks out of the library to get marijuana out of his locker and everyone follows him despite the risk of getting caught by the principle. Andrew and Bender demonstrate different types of leadership, which created a lot of conflict between them, even though they have different leadership styles, they are the kind of leaders’ people follows. Overall, The Breakfast Club is a classic teen film by John Hughes that depicts the different perceptions of the five high school students who come from different sociological groups. The actors played the stereotypical characters well and it made it easier to understand the film. In conclusion, the breakfast club is one of my favorite movies because it explains accurately the various concepts such as stereotypes, peer pressure, family issues, and groupthink and those notions relate to the lives of many individuals during their teenage