Meaning Of Leadership

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There are many ways of looking at leadership and many interpretations of its meaning. Leadership might be interpreted in simple terms, such as ‘getting others to follow’ or ‘getting people to do things willingly’, or interpreted more specifically, for example as ‘the use of authority in decision-making’. It may be exercised as an attribute of position or because of personal knowledge or wisdom. Leadership might be based on a function of personality or it can be seen as a behavioral category. It may also be viewed in terms of the role of the leaders and their ability to achieve effective performance from others. Leadership can also be discussed in terms of a form of persuasion or power relationship. …show more content…

This means that the process of leadership cannot be separated from the activities of groups and effective teambuilding.
Nature of leadership
1) Leadership is influencing process, A leader influences group when its members are willingly ready to carry out his wishes, accept his advice, work according to his directions to fulfill the objectives of an industrial firm.
2) The style of leadership differs according to the changing situation or circumstances.
3) Leadership is a quality that motivates people at work.
4) A leader represents the group and strives to protect the interests of the members of the group. Leadership shares the information, option, ideas and experience with the members of the group.

STYLES OF …show more content…

In the work situation it has become increasingly clear that leaders can no longer rely solely on the use of their position in the hierarchical structure as a means of exercising the functions of leadership. In order to get the best results from subordinates the leader must also have regard for the need to encourage high morale, a spirit of involvement and co-operation, and a willingness to work. This gives rise to consideration of the style of leadership and provides another heading under which to analyze leadership behavior. Leadership style is the way in which the functions of leadership are carried out, the way in which the leader typically behaves towards members of the group. The attention given to leadership style is based on the assumption that subordinates are more likely to work effectively for leaders who adopt a certain style of leadership than for leaders who adopt alternative styles. There are many dimensions to leadership and many possible ways of describing leadership style, such as dictatorial, unitary, bureaucratic, benevolent, charismatic, consultative, participative and abdicatorial. With so many potential descriptions of leadership styles it is useful to have a broad framework in which to focus attention and study. The style of leaderial leadership towards subordinate staff and the focus of power can therefore be considered within a simplified

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