
Learning Support Co-Ordinator Essay

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As an admin and learning support co-ordinator, I am responsible for providing information and advice about training and learning matters. Participating and organising events in our offices, which seek to promote Learning and Development; arranging and supporting learning and training; gathering, collating and providing the appropriate statistics to the senior management team.
4,2 Points of referral
When approached by a learner with a specific learning need I can help them to source it. This can be done either internally within departmental L & D provision or the Standguide Learning website or externally through Job Centre Plus, Colleges or other specialist learning providers. We provide unemployed clients with new skills which is, for many, …show more content…

As a admin and learning support co-ordinator, I am also available for learners to approach with individual issues. Once needs have been established it is my role to negotiate with management (if appropriate) and learning providers to arrange suitable courses that meets the needs of the learners. If training is to take place on the premises I ensure that the rooms are booked and time off is agreed. I also liaise with security and ensure relevant materials are available. After learning has taken place, I discuss with individual learners what went well or not so well, and look at what further support is needed to consolidate or progress.
4.4 Role in improving quality of learning and development
Data analysis needs to be done before and after a learning programme. For example if the equality surveys show that members of disadvantaged groups are less likely to be promoted, we would implement a support/mentoring programme. We would expect to see an improvement in the percentage of managers from disadvantaged groups after the programme. Further attempts at training and support need to be adjusted following data and feedback.
We can use the four levels of Kirkpatrick 's evaluation model which essentially

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