Legionnaire's Disease Case Study

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PHPC 3015
Critical review of prevention and control programmes of Legionnaire disease in Hong Kong
Name: Wong Chui Hei
SID: 1155062441
Legionnaire’s Disease has been one of the major pneumonia cases in Hong Kong. Most cases occurred are due to the infectious agent Legionella serogroup 1 bacteria. The patients will first develop chills, headache, fever, muscle pain and may appear other symptoms later, including cough, which may bring up mucus and sometimes blood, chest pain, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea. (1)
There are mainly three types of outbreaks, including nosocomial, community-acquired and travel-associated outbreak. Institutional/nosocomial outbreak risk of hospital’s water …show more content…

The major purpose is to remove the susceptible water sites which can allow the growth of the bacteria and reach the susceptible host. The WHO recommends the use of Water Safety Plan (WSP) in monitoring the water standard in high risk water sites, including hot and cold-water towers, spa, hot tubs, etc. The plans are systematic and detailed assessment on the prioritization of hazards, and the operational monitoring of barriers. The plan should consist of three major components, system assessment, monitoring and management and communication. (4) In Hong Kong, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is responsible for developing water safety plan for the owners of major zone for transmission, which is the water system of buildings in Hong Kong. The WSP takes into consideration of the variable degree of risk in different settings/facilities and the ubiquitous nature of legionella in the environment. (5) The code of practice of prevention of legionnaire disease had complied to the standard of WHO documents in developing a recommended water safety plans in various setting of water sites, which included the three major components of the WSP for each water sites and work similar to the practice in United Kingdom (UK). (6) (Table

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