Leonard Cheshire Disability Analysis

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Leonard Cheshire Disability is an organization composed by five regional apartments located around Africa and Asia which are mainly focused on children with disabilities. It is considered that the main purposes of this organization are to support disabled children by providing them a variety of benefits, such as some opportunities to go to school, the rehabilitation and the health that they need. Nowadays, this organization is making big changes in countries like Africa and Asia, organizing campaigns to change the attitudes of people and improving common services, for instance, education. According to this, three different topics are being exposed in this paper regarding inclusive education, the first one is closely related to the general view …show more content…

A number of key issues arise from the programs and projects that involve children with disabilities, which the principal aim is to help and prepare them to enter the education system. In addition to this, parents and families are part of two- way process related to the crucial success of an inclusive education programs, that is to say that parents, brothers and other family members are taking an active role having a better understanding of the education of these children in this process, because they are people who already known those kids with problems and disabilities. On one hand, families are often the principal point of contact in these programs and projects, because mothers and parents are supporting children in different aspects of their necessities, for instance they learn techniques to stimulate and support children, are volunteers in classrooms, spread the message of inclusion in their communities and can plan, and provide services for their own and other disabled children. On the other hand, the community is also playing an important role in the inclusive programs, because its participation may facilitate the implementation and developments of projects, in order to promote the acceptation of children into the school community. As well as the families and communities related to disabled children, some projects are also making the school more welcome and …show more content…

Some of the most striking features of inclusive education are the challenges that children and teachers may confront. First at all, it was considered as a challenge the large class sizes, because, in some countries there are more than one hundred children in a class, as a consequence the negative among teachers may affect the teaching methods. Secondly, the inaccessibility to attend school is being also part of the challenges of this type of education; one instance could be that there are many children who must walk long distances to appear at school, because there exists a lack of transportation, poor quality roads, and economic aspects associated to families. After that, most of the children are suffering the challenges of inclusive education because of the inadequate infrastructure at schools, such as the lack of access to toilets and the non-implementation of ramps. The last but not the least challenge belongs to the fact that community and religion are not considering disabled children as they should, in other words, both social organizations are unaware of the necessities and potentialities of those disabled

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